Our insights at Zacrey on design, strategy and transformation are an initiative to pause, reflect, appreciate, re-sharpen and transform meaningful dialogue into action with lasting impact. In this article we embrace the opportunity to learn , unlearn and relearn as an effective tool to constantly redefine the "new" normal in the VUCA business world.

Our ethos at ZACREY is embedded in the mantra, " The best way to predict the future, is to create it ".
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VUCA - what is that?
You might be a legacy company or you might be a fledgling startup, but when unforeseen market triggers such as the #Covid19 pandemic happen, you see your operations , cash flow and future disrupted.
Such a volatile, uncertain, complex , ambiguous nature of business and life in itself can be termed as VUCA.
VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, a combination of qualities that, taken together, characterize the nature of some difficult conditions and situations. The term VUCA was coined in 1987 and based on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus. It was a concept used as a response of the US Army War College to the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s.
The tenets to navigate VUCA
Mindset. For an individual and a business, this will be the thought leadership that drives the company.
Strategy :Analysis, Understanding, Evaluating scenarios and delivering the best data driven impact
Tools : We have to be armed with convergent solutions that integrate the best people, best technology and best strategies
Impact : We have to design our impact in a smart, measureable and insightful way.
VUCA to combat VUCA
VUCA Prime is a behavioural leadership model, first introduced in 2007 by Robert Johansen (a distinguished fellow at the Institute for the Future), to counteract each of the four elements of VUCA with a specific positive response.
They are:
Vision rises above Volatility — when conditions are changing unpredictably, leaders should keep focused on the desired target state and vision. The vision should be a compelling picture of the future ( we call this the big picture thinking) that aligns stakeholders around the purpose of the transformation, the scale of the ambition and the nature of the benefits.
Understanding reduces Uncertainty — when uncertainty is encountered, explore and experiment in order to increase understanding of external political, economic, social, technological, legislative and environmental (PESTLE) factors.
Clarity counters Complexity — when faced with the unknown and unpredictable conditions that can only be understood in hindsight or retrospect, learn to simplify where possible as clarity informs decisions and decisions enable execution.
Agility overcomes Ambiguity — when the future contains multiple alternatives, be ready to adapt the approach to match the desired outcome. Organizational agility is simply achieved by adopting the practice of collaborate, deliver, reflect and improve against agreed metrics.
By sparking innovation at scale and crafting a bespoke digital business transformation framework, Zacrey Partners can enable a leader, team and organization to create a logical and pragmatic approach to drive success in this period of fundamental change.
Armed with resolute commitment to create high-impact design and strategy solutions and experiences, Zacrey can be your partner in successful business transformation. We use our experience and expertise to successfully navigate through a VUCA World in an accelerated manner.
Eager to know more about VUCA come connect with us at www.zacrey.com
About Zacrey Partners:
At Zacrey Partners, we architect the convergence of best ideas, best people and best practices from related industries to deliver our multi-disciplinary and often disruptive results to remain ahead of the curve.
We are human centred, design empowered and technology driven catalysts of transformation that strive to be the vanguard of Industry 6.0 drivers such as education, environment and the creative economy.
To know more visit us at www.zacrey.com or follow us @zacreypartners