The Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry remain plagued by the more work in less time and at less cost mandate that directly impacts the design, schedules and build quality. Keeping up with this demand and delivering cost effective, sustainable results requires new ways of working and adoption of technologies.
architecture / construction/ engineering /

The construction industry, as a whole, is notoriously slow at adopting new technologies. Countless studies and surveys over the years have shown that business owners continue to underinvest in technology, despite their acknowledgment of the many benefits that technology can provide to running their business and managing construction projects.
BIM, telematics, mobile devices and software applications have all been in use in the construction industry for a number of years. Emerging technologies like VR and AR, robots, drones, 3D printing, generative design with AI, the Internet of things (IoT), wearables and autonomous vehicles are all being adapted for use in the construction industry.
Our Offering
Building Design - AEC Advisory
From building planning and design, to enabling effective asset strategies and workplace optimisation, Zacrey Partners has unrivalled experience in delivering professional services that span the entire spectrum of the building and property sector.
Our holistic experience and expertise can help propel individuals into the top10 interior designers, architects, builders and developers
We leapfrog innovation into the AEC industry by automating a large number of routine tasks that are labour and capital intensive.
Our experts help optimize your ability to manage critical infrastructure by driving better business outcomes, delivering measurable impacts and defining leading-edge performance.
We are a design + strategy consulting firm with a unique expertise in strategic solutions to enhance architecture, engineering and construction industries and their associated companies. The business design advisory is able to enable small and large companies to pivot quickly with a rapid adoption of tools and strategies . These ingredients will enhance the design, sustainability, building, economics and lifecycle maintenance of physical assets using generative design and other emerging technologies for smart buildings, cities, communties.